ZNPP Worries In A Country Far Away And of Zero Business Of The West, on Independence Day.
Fear and anxiety are hors d'oeuvre for the controllers and meals for their demons; whilst pain, suffering, & torment are their master's sustenance.
I dislike sharing controversial topics, many seemingly downright insane to the vast majority, online and identifiable as I worry about safety. I do understand the importance of such matters being shared and learned by my brethren however, and conform to the will of my provider.
I typed this as my most recent MoA post. However upon realizing its length and given the content therein along with Bernard's strict warnings regarding straying off-topic I figured I'd make a substack thingy as well to post it on like
& . Generally speaking, I believe my mostly-relevant-to-the-topic posts there are either welcomed by him as different viewpoint and although vastly different than the typical barfly and either tolerated or overlooked when he's feeling aggregated and the bickering and un-related posts. I do love MoA, donate, and never fight. If you disagree with someone either ignore them or provide facts to backup your own viewpoint. We need not call each other retarded for believing something we don't, even if they believe it in deception. Except paid nato trolls, and ignoring them is best for everyone. Alas, I've explained to anyone that ventures here why this substack thingy was created, 3, to not piss off Bernard at MoA. 2, this reply was so long three pages on my cellphone and probably riddled eith errors and typos that I'd totally “get it” if he deleted it. 1, to share with my brothers the sketchy knowledge of power struggles taking place within our world._
Despite whatever may become of Zaporizhzhia Rosatom plant, the west has no means to either invade, or even attack Russia proper except for long range massive air attacks overwhelming a2ad and this would be suicide as every western navy boat worldwide would be sunk within the hour not to mention attacks on london and dc. That not making a whole lot of sense to humans so it's dismissed, but it shouldn't be. IE most don't agree that western governments willfully act to harm their own interests, but it happens almost daily. Then folks decry the "stupidity" or "short-sightedness" of those governments. It's neither, it's quite intentional and they are fully aware of the consequences. They have no choice. The cabal has masters too, and follow the orders given regardless of consequences. soros nuland wef etc, are doing the bidding of their masters NOT acting in the best interest of their represented nations, their citizens, humanity, nor even themselves.
Trying hard not to get too woo here Bernard I know it's been rough here lately but you also know you never see me argue or even respond to arguments and my posts however far outside most's comprehension of reality stick to and directly relate to the topic. In fact that past few years has opened up a lot of eyes. Prior to the SMO I say 50% of the people now using the term "false flag" would have been unfamiliar with the concept. Now, and in a great part thanks to Bernard and others like him dedicating time and money to share facts and insight, people are actually becoming more aware of the true situations and intricacies thereof that are unfolding around them. People are waking up to the fact that it's not just crazy neocons from the basement. It never was one-side of a group of elected officials, not in the US or anywhere.
There is no Left vs. Right. What? Argue about a few social issues to whip everyone up into a divisional frenzy. No, just no. Divisive ideologies are the cabals intent. Stop killing babies, no, you stop buying guns etc, first-grader step if not a kindergartener graduational step is realizing it doesn't matter what letter is next to anyone's name. The division is quite intentional and every political party's very inception was designed as such. There is no letter or combination of letters next to someone electible's name in the global west that are allowed to offer any peaceful common sense policies. You drive on crumbling bridges, pitifully maintained infrastructure, you can witness for your own opened eyes the decrepit state of your surroundings while billions of trillions of your monies are spent on weapons and r&d on new innovative ways to kill. And it's not just your physical surroundings that are decayed. Western society has rotted unnaturally, not as in organic composting gently breaking down a banana peel in a restful garden, no, but is being rotted like a murder victim who's killer pouring lye or peroxide or some other caustic substance over the lifeless body as he burries it in a shallow grave, delighted by his defiling of the corpse.
We are pummeled with innumerable perversions and distractions, content and convinced your are powerless and until the day you re-open your eyes, you are.
But ah the much raged about neocons. There exist those same "crazies" in every western government now, not just the pentagon basement, and their ideas and plans are called "crazy" because it's obvious the implications of such plans do not seemingly benefit anyone, not their citizens, not their nation and now increasingly not even themselves. neocons, neolibs, etc, exist not as a thing themselves but are rooted in all global policies of the west. Thus while many people are quick to point out how seemingly bad, or “wrong” their policies are, rarely I hear them decried as an evil hell bent on the destruction and enslavement of mankind, despite them being subservient to non-humans with exactly such goals. They're called stupid, short sighted, serving the US, serving banks, serving corporations, serving Israel, serving their own self interests. All of those I suppose are true to an extent but not in the sense most intend. Those in power know the results, it's not they are blind or without foresight, trust me they feel it every time they shoot themselves in the foot and the elect, their underlings, have to deal with the fallout..
Fallout bringing us back to ZNPP. Attacking it doesn't makes any logical sense to anyone. It wouldn't help ukraine, it wouldn't help the global west, it could never lead to the NATO article 5 defeat of Russia as the west has no means to invade or destroy Russia or the global east. Doesn't seem logical does it? No, of course not, but hold up! Did the idea of ukraine ever being able to partially match or defeat a territorial battle, even with unlimited wunderweapons, against giant Russia ever seem logical to you guys? I'm guessing not barflies. You can spend millions on bizarre prosthetics and hollywood makeup and groteque unrighteous surgery to make a house cat look like some miniature bear, you can spend trillions arming it with weapons designed for profit rather functionality, capable of easily mincing small unarmed mice, you can train the cat to do bear things, you can even convince the cat that he is a bear, but when you send the cat to a battle against a bear, it doesn't require much knowledge to see the cat will not be successful and regardless of expenses and how much time it takes to take all nine of the cats lives, it was in fact just a cat all along visible plain as day to anyone bother to look at it and speak the truth. Instead of satisfaction from winning pricey sanctions, the long-desired severing of RussoGermanic ties, and now placing crippling subjugation of all of europe insured by the actual physical destruction of its brand new infrastructure designed for now and growth in the future. Just blew it up. Blew it the hell up. You can be assured there were then celebrations dear reader, oh yes drugs and debauchery abound! Oh Godly reader, if you could hear the vile prayers of thanks to their unclean deity that were shouted and chanted on that night, upon hearing news of their numerous successes of that day, you'd wish for Aunt Bee to give your ears a good warshin. Yeah totally brothers, I'm saying awful despicable beyond words and that's just the sounds of their irrhythmic chants prior the even more audibly-horrifying orgiastic feast culminating in deaths of both all human participants and several of their own. Thank the Lord in Heaven, the one true high God, that no man lives suffering forced to witness what beyond doubt could only be described as an abomination à la a john thompson film but with blood. Yes the controllers celebrated that night as did their human cabal, as glasses were raised and cheers made by the collaborators that know themselves evil and those that know not. From NASA fist-bumps and cheers on guiding a missile into asteroid Dimorphos, another honor of sin and perversion. The human cabal cheered the destruction of growing and mutually beneficial ties of germanic and russian peoples and the end of prospects of european peoples as a whole. The armies and generals cheered a successful mission. The bankers cheered and partook of mammontry. They cheered and sang and shouted loudly even if indoors and close. A terrible night that was. Despicable all around. Angels surely wept and the most high god must surely know. Yes, the controllers soothed their thirst with human blood, the cabal on champagnes, and the armies on beers.
Yet, the controllers are not satiated with this atrocity. Thus the cabal is not. While achieving further dominance over all of europe, severing energy ties through both physical and sanctions actions, while costing Russia billions of dollars and lives and creating a failed state on its border spewing out hate-filled ideologically fueled terrorists empowered by western lies and weapons. No! While the west achieved these goals leaving friend and foe alike blindsided, now would be the logical time to bring things to a close. No! No job done, force zely to unilaterally declare a DMZ and secede to all Russian territorial claims, what Russia has annexed is Russian, evacuate and withdraw east giving a 60km boundy, and get things semi-normalized. Still profit by arming the remnant terrorist state, loosen sanctions, encourage trade, give it a decade or so and Russian goods would begin to transit west through ukraine again and energy could be restored along with other such normalities the west having gained the upper hand in europe should be satisfied having cheated once again. No dear fellow human, the controllers don’t want just europe. All Earthly lands and its inhabitants is their clearly stated goal pursued. Dastardly unworldly creatures abound surely harvesting and feeding on the human race to extinction if the war of good and evil is not won decisively.
One can agrue that $ flowing into the MIC from weapons sales must be the motivation for not ending this, not orders commanded by nephilim to their human cabal with minions in charge of every western nation. And yes, the money playsa part, that is indeed in part what the cabal was promised in return for carrying out the true controllers plans, but that money is simply the global cabals' reward, not the root cause of anything. Mammon has always motivated traitors of humanity. The cabal is simply following orders as they must, damned be the consequences. And damned will the cabal be. The motivation of the true controllers, whom they, “the cabal”, the Earth-dwelling humans who knowingly pledged eternal allegiance to, are told. Informed they are fully, in complete accordance with sacred code of Heavenly law in adherence to the covenant extended to us by the Lord in his grace, the God of Abraham and creator great. The controllers the cabal take orders from is non-human, so logically their motivations seem illogical, stupid, short-sighted, to those unaware, as they are HARMFUL to the west's own interests, own future, and HARMFUL to humanity as a whole, thus we incorrectly declare them & their policies dumb. They are not dumb, it's evil. Yes, it was dumb for them to enter into the unholy agreement and situation to begin with but once they did, deceived or not, all the cabal’s minions were made evil by their choices.
So then NJH, I just read all this and sort of get what you’re saying, and now wondering, do you think ZNPP be attacked?
Would such an act of evil by the west be at all out of pattern? Citizens are right now clamoring in west with equally seemingly suicidal policies put in place locally immigration, knowingly enacting policies that result in reduction of energy, harming of children via state-education, knowingly reducing their nations manufacturing abilities, knowingly reducing food supplies & farming, & knowingly terraforming the environment reducing co2 and sunlight in vain attempts at recreating the atmosphere as it was many thousands of years ago. So would they? of course! With zero qualms or F's given! But with ZNPP being spotlighted, it seems diversionary to my eyes.
I think ZNPP is being hyped just to cause fear & anxiety. I can't explain why on MoA and stay on topic. But that's not to say an equally horrific and likely worse event isn't planned. Could it involve ZNPP? I suppose it could involve spent-fuel storage or somehow destroying ponds & cooling infrastructure but that's a pretty visible and traceable action. Though, as the controllers grow desperate being foiled at every move, they've become increasingly reckless and yes desperate, ordering their human global cabal to do more and more despite their actions being known and seen-through by an ever-widening and growingly pissed audience. NS2 was so sloppy and self-harmful that Russia didn't anticipate it.
The dam was so scarily reckless that the cause must be on video or radar maybe both. So while those minions the elected the selected the politicians (we no longer have representatives just politicians) the military leaders are portrayed as calm and cool, their recent actions reek of desperation to me. Sloppy operational planning, sloppy second-rate special ops, and sloppy “reporting” yes! YES! Yes, even their well-oiled, & carefully maintained agitprop machine has been performing sloppy. This is truly a sign. Their most prized possession, their most powerful weapon, the most murderous ravagingly brutal instrument of destruction created on Earth since the dawn of man, as well as their lifeline to all the control they've been given over us, has became sloppy. I stress upon any readers who may have actually dedicated their finite time to read this far, pause for a moment please and rejoice at this miracle please. Grab a drink, a snack, stretch, relax, breathe, (no im not advising yoga just chilling) walk around your dwelling, kiss the family members in your dwelling with a roof over your heads, go walk the garden take a stroll. For this is cause for being thankful. I'm grateful for this breakdown as it marks a critical battle currently turning in our favor, the favor of good, the favor of humanity. I rejoice knowing that the decades they've spent, generation after generation tightly constricting truth, deluding & fanaticising, corrupting truths & narratives, molding & dictating, their narrativesettingrealityalteringeverpowerful voice begun to collapse. This media machine, despite all of the world's money, hundreds of years of experience undoubtedly having available to them full libraries of detailed logs like lab entities micro-notating every possible piece of data on the results of past work and experiments and results and methods of extrapolating that data into best practices of narrative control and media and it has become sloppy. With a great reduction in faith of their presented lies and a loss in trust of government & academia their evil becomes more difficult. And their sloppiness directly correlates with thst reduction of trust. Too many blatant easily catchable lies has started to open eyes. Parroting the narrative has replaced any real reporting and that great effort has failed them as it's now failing to convince an increasing number. Evil is both easier to accomplish & punished softer when done in the dark. Their media machine despite an unlimited budget for both parts and repairs and the most highly skilled and educated hands, some with generationally-inherited experience, is running sloppy. Unbalanced and knocking, regardless of the quantity or quality of the oil used, the machine fail eventually.
The acts against the dam and NS2 are relatively small-scale however, in terms of the deaths attained. So recklessness in small-scale events is indicative of desperation, NOT careful long-term planning. So while perhaps during the 2017 or 2021 upgrades ukraine performed at the plant, it was sabotaged. Either software, or well-hidden explosives planted, perhaps even encased in concrete. It's possible and I'm sure the Russians have carefully inspected the plant and records or recent upgrades. It's been talked about too much however, clear up to the UN. Seems unlikely to me, once plans are known they can either be foiled, or can be allowed to occur for an eventual positive outcome we can't know.
That being said, I clearly state that when Nuland publicly speaks of reclaiming Crimea, she is certainly aware of plans that involve far more than throwing soldiers against Russia's fortified front-lines. If she didn't fully believe, knowing for an absolute fact that the cabal was presented an order for severing the Crimea peninsula and seizing the Sevastopol base she wouldn't have stated what she's on record stating. How this seemingly very highly improbable action comes to fruition I can't know. She knows. Others know. Hopefully the Russians are given peripheral unrelated steps to take to invalidate such plans but the Russians don't and won't know either.
Nuland isn't just cheerleading when she stated plans to take Crimea, she made their intentions known by declaring them as she's required. If that means ZNPP destruction or some other evil mass casualty event on the peninsula itself, there exist plans, evil plans, anti-humanity plans, to be in possession of Sevastopol. Why -I don't know that either, Black Sea access, some future event 30 years from now, or just to show dominance and hurt Russia and the nonconforming east. Zelly can toss his whole army into the front lines, that will not affect Crimea, so there is most certainly something surprising in the works. Zelly won't be told in my opinion, until it's time for him to do what ordered and even then he's far too lowly to be in-the-know of why or what's next. Even the cabal itself is unworthy to know the whole plan.
Happy Independence Day.
"You can spend millions on bizarre prosthetics and hollywood makeup and groteque unrighteous surgery to make a house cat look like some miniature bear, you can spend trillions arming it with weapons designed for profit rather functionality, capable of easily mincing small unarmed mice, you can train the cat to do bear things, you can even convince the cat that he is a bear, but when you send the cat to a battle against a bear, it doesn't require much knowledge to see the cat will not be successful and regardless of expenses and how much time it takes to take all nine of the cats lives, it was in fact just a cat all along visible plain as day to anyone bother to look at it and speak the truth."
Love that comparison.
Speaking of not pissing off b, I appear to have been banned as none of my posts are appearing there. Of course, it could be the filter, which frequently eats my posts, but usually I can get through under my alternate user ID. But not this time. So I guess I'm done over there.
Which is good because now I can spend that wasted time on projects of far more value to me such as my Substack writing.
As for Nuland knowing of some plan that might actually work in retaking Crimea, I tend to accept Andrei Martyanov's opinion of these people: they simply have no clue what they're talking about, they live in an alternate reality in which such things are possible, as a result of being uneducated in anything involving real world economy, geography and military matters.
In any event, we'll see. Now that I can't waste time on MoA, I intend to cut back my following Ukraine news (although I'll still read b's analyses which are usually spot on) as until the Ukraine army finally collapses there really isn't a need to. I doubt any serious false flag is going to occur, so unless it does, things should proceed over the next 3-6 months pretty much as they have been.